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Sentences used while Shopping

Sentences used while Shopping 1) What’s the best price you can offer for this shirt? 1) आप इस शर्ट के लिए सबसे अच्छी कीमत क्या

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Do you feel + Adjective

ADJECTIVES Happy (खुश), Nervous  (घबराया हुआ), Tired  (थका हुआ), Frustrated (परेशान), Bored (उबाऊ), Worried (चिंतित), Hungry (भूखा), Lonely (अकेला), Happy (खुश), Annoyed (परेशान), Calm (शांत),

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Sentences used while shopping casually. 

Sentences used while shopping casually.    Can you show me the nearest market here? क्या आप मुझे यहाँ का निकटतम बाज़ार दिखा सकते हैं? How

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